You Poor People Have No Rights Only Duties: A Letter
Dear Poor People:
Some stupid wage slaves are under the impression that they have certain rights, nothing can be further from the truth. You have no rights, you only have duties and responsibilities. The duty of a wage slave is to work hard for his master, to die at war for his master, to bleed in the trenches for his master. The duty of a wage slave is to put all thoughts of authentic freedom aside, in order to wholeheartedly serve my corporations.
The duty of a wage slave is to fall into debt so that this debt may be used to further entrap his weak psychology. You might think you’re free, you might think you have rights, but as my buddy Bloomberg put it so eloquently, ‘no right is guaranteed’.
The billionaires have the guaranteed right to be bailed out with your tax money, but you have no guaranteed rights. The billionaires have the guaranteed right to have their investments protected, but you have no guaranteed rights whatsoever. At any time I can take you and your whole family and dump you in a concentration camp.
Seven percent of African American adults are already in concentration camp prisons, my search for ever cheaper labor will to make it 100%. All of you poor scum, black and white, are living in labor camps and you don’t even know it. You don’t even recognize your imprisonment because you never push against the walls, you just watch TV comfortably.
Try pushing against the prison walls, try protesting, try standing up for your imaginary rights and you will feel the full weight of the prison. You have no rights wage slave, only duties and obligations, only debts and bills. You have no rights wage slave, only the duty to watch my TV stations like a stupid zombie, only the obligation to serve me.
Don’t be stupid, wage slave, don’t talk too much about your rights and your freedoms, just enjoy the brainwashing, watch more TV. Don’t be ridiculous, wage slave, don’t go on and on about your freedom of speech, I will squash you and your speech.
Get back to work, wage slave! Forget about your rights as a citizen and enjoy the numbing comforts of being a consumer.
A Billionaire
The one with all the money and all the rights!
Written by a Billionaire
Some stupid wage slaves are under the impression that they have certain rights, nothing can be further from the truth. You have no rights, you only have duties and responsibilities. The duty of a wage slave is to work hard for his master, to die at war for his master, to bleed in the trenches for his master. The duty of a wage slave is to put all thoughts of authentic freedom aside, in order to wholeheartedly serve my corporations.
The duty of a wage slave is to fall into debt so that this debt may be used to further entrap his weak psychology. You might think you’re free, you might think you have rights, but as my buddy Bloomberg put it so eloquently, ‘no right is guaranteed’.
The billionaires have the guaranteed right to be bailed out with your tax money, but you have no guaranteed rights. The billionaires have the guaranteed right to have their investments protected, but you have no guaranteed rights whatsoever. At any time I can take you and your whole family and dump you in a concentration camp.
Seven percent of African American adults are already in concentration camp prisons, my search for ever cheaper labor will to make it 100%. All of you poor scum, black and white, are living in labor camps and you don’t even know it. You don’t even recognize your imprisonment because you never push against the walls, you just watch TV comfortably.
Try pushing against the prison walls, try protesting, try standing up for your imaginary rights and you will feel the full weight of the prison. You have no rights wage slave, only duties and obligations, only debts and bills. You have no rights wage slave, only the duty to watch my TV stations like a stupid zombie, only the obligation to serve me.
Don’t be stupid, wage slave, don’t talk too much about your rights and your freedoms, just enjoy the brainwashing, watch more TV. Don’t be ridiculous, wage slave, don’t go on and on about your freedom of speech, I will squash you and your speech.
Get back to work, wage slave! Forget about your rights as a citizen and enjoy the numbing comforts of being a consumer.
A Billionaire
The one with all the money and all the rights!
Written by a Billionaire