MPs in Rajya Sabha on 16th August

Uncorrected/Not for Publication – 16.08.2011

The House met at eleven of the clock,
MR. CHAIRMAN in the Chair.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Q.No.201. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU: Sir, the Leader of the Opposition wants
to speak. ...(Interruptions)... Please allow him, Sir.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please listen. ...(Interruptions)... One minute.
...(Interruptions)... आप सुन लीजिये जरा, बैठ जाइए, बैठ
SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU: Sir, the Leader of the Opposition wants
to speak. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. CHAIRMAN: Do you wish to say something?
...(Interruptions)... Let us hear the Leader of the Opposition.
...(Interruptions)... One minute. ...(Interruptions)... Just one
minute. ...(Interruptions)... Let us hear the Leader of the
Opposition. ...(Interruptions)... One minute. ...(Interruptions)...
One minute. ...(Interruptions)...
नेता विरोधी दल (अरुण जेटली) : सभापित जी,......
सभापित : पहले बात तो सुन लीजिये।......(व्यवधान)
वी0 हनुमंत राव : पहले क्वेचन ऑवर और िफर कुछ।......(व्यवधान)
सत्यत चतुवदी : सभापित महोदय, हमेशा ये ही बोलते ह.....(व्यवधान)
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please let us hear the Leader of the Opposition.
...(Interruptions)... One minute, please. ...(Interruptions)... One
minute. ...(Interruptions)... One minute, please.
...(Interruptions)...एक िमनट बात सुन लीजिये।......(व्यवधान)
SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: Sir, you have allowed me to make a
submission. ...(Interruptions)...
सभापित : बात सुन लीिजए जरा, बैठ जाइए, बैठ जाइए।......(व्यवधान)
Please hear the Leader of the Opposition. ...(Interruptions)...बात तो
सुन लीिजए।......(व्यवधान) एक िमनट बात सुन लीिजए।......(व्यवधान) बैठ
SHRI SATYAVRAT CHATURVEDI: Let us proceed with the Question
Hour, Sir. ...(Interruptions)...
AFFAIRS (SHRI RAJEEV SHUKLA): Sir, the Home Minister will make
a statement at 12 o’clock. ...(Interruptions)....
सभापित : बात तो सुन लीजिये। ..... One minute.
SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: What is this, Sir? They don’t want to hear me.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Venkaiahji, please.......(Interruptions)... No, no;
I have given him the opportunity. ...(Interruptions)... बैठ जाइए। This
is not right. ...(Interruptions)... Please allow the Leader of the
Opposition to speak. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: Let them disturb. ...(Interruptions)... Why
are you disturbing? ...(Interruptions)...
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please, one minute. ...(Interruptions)... One
minute. आप जरा बैठ जाइए।......(व्यवधान) Please, one minute.
...(Interruptions)... Please, one minute. ...(Interruptions)... Please
resume your places. ...(Interruptions)... Please resume your
places. आप बैठ जाइए।.....(व्यवधान)
SHRI PRASANTA CHATTERJEE: They are disturbing the House.
अरुण जेटली : सभापित महोदय, क्या सरकार ने यह तय कर ली है िक
सदन नहीं चलने देगी। Has this Government decided that the House will
not commence? ...(Interruptions)... क्या सरकार सदन नहीं चलने
सत्यव्रत चतुर्वेदी : वे अपनी बात कह, लेिकन कवेशचन ऑवर ससपेंड करना
हम मंजूर नहीं है।......(व्यवधान)
सभापित: लीज, आप बैठ जाइए।......(व्यवधान) बैठ जाइए, बैठ
अरुण जेटली : सभापित महोदय, आपने अनुमित दी है और सरकार तय कर
रही है िक सदन म बोलने नहीं िदया जाएगा।......(व्यवधान)
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please hear him. ...(Interruptions)... आप जरा बैठ
तो जाइए। आप बैठ जाइए।......(व्यवधान) You can’t negotiate like this.
...(Interruptions)... आप बैठ जाइए।......(व्यवधान)
अरुण जेटली : सभापित महोदय, मैं आपका आभार व्यक्त करता हूं िक
आपने मुझे बोलने की अनुमित दी है।......(यवधान) क्या सत्ता पक्ष यह चाहता
है िक जो इस देश के अंदर गंभीर विषय उठ रहे है उनको लेकर चर्चा न
हो।.....(व्यवधान सभापित महोदय, आपने मुझे अनुमित दी
सभापित : आप जरा बैठ जाइए।......(व्यवधान) आप अपनी जगह जाकर
बैठ जाइए।
SHRI S.S. AHLUWALIA: Please bring the House to order, Sir.
...(Interruptions)... What is this, Sir? Two Parliamentary Affairs
Ministers are sitting here. They are not asking them to hear him.
MR. CHAIRMAN: Do you wish to say something?
...(Interruptions)... आप बैठ जाइए। One minute. ...(Interruptions)...
SHRI S.S. AHLUWALIA: What is this, Sir? ...(Interruptions)...
वी0 हनुमंत राव : हम आपकी बात सुनगे, लेकिन.......(व्यवधान)
SHRI S.S. AHLUWALIA: They don’t want to listen to the Leader of
the Opposition. ...(Interruptions)...
सभापित : आप जरा इनकी बात सुनिए।......(व्यवधान)
SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: Sir, you have permitted me to make.....
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please resume your places. ...(Interruptions)...
MR. CHAIRMAN (CONTD.): Don’t come into the well.
(Interruptions)… Don’t come into the well, please. (Interruptions)…
देिखए, आप इनकी बात सुन लीजिये। ... (व्यवधान) ...
SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: Sir, it is a murder of democracy by this
Government both outside the House and inside the House.
सभापित : देखिए, आप इनकी बात सुनिए। ... (व्यवधान) ... Please.
SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: It is a murder of democracy by this
Government. (Interruptions)…
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please go back to your places. (Interruptions)…
SHIR ARUN JAITLEY: It wants to throttle the right to protest outside
and it wants to take away the right of the Opposition to make a point
inside the House. (Interruptions)…
सभापित : आप इनकी बात सुनिए। ... (व्यवधान) ... Please.
(Interruptions)… Please, hon. Members. (Interruptions)… Just one
minute. It is an established practice that when the Leader of the
Opposition wishes to speak, we give him the opportunity to speak.
SOME HON. MEMBERS: After Question Hour. (Interruptions)…
MR. CHAIRMAN: Just one minute. (Interruptions)… Just one
minute. (Interruptions)…
SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: Sir, are they defying the ruling?
MR. CHAIRMAN: Just one minute. (Interruptions)…
तारिक अनवर : सर, सभी पोलिटिकल पार्टीज को मौका मिले, नहीं तो
हाउस नहीं चलेगा। ... (व्यवधान) ...
SHRIMATI BRINDA KARAT: Sir, allow all of us. (Interruptions) ...
SHRI S. S. AHLUWALIA: Sir, they are defying the ruling.
(Interruptions)… They are defying the ruling. (Interruptions)…
मुख्तार अबास नक़वी : सड़क पर भी अराजकता और सदन म भी ...
(व्यवधान) ...
MR. CHAIRMAN: Please. (Interruptions)… This is very wrong.
(Interruptions)… आप बैठ जाइए। ... (व्यवधान) ...
शिवानन्द तिवारी : सरकार सुनना भी नहीं चाहती ... (व्यवधान) ...
MR. CHAIRMAN: This is not right. (Interruptions)… The House is
adjourned till 12.00 hours.

After 12.00 hours

SHRI ARUN JAITLEY: Sir, I am extremely grateful to you for allowing me to raise an issue of importance. (Interruptions). Sir, we wish to raise our strong anguish and protest as to what has been happening in the entire country in the last few days. (Interruptions). This is nothing short of a brutal assault on Indian democracy.
(Interruptions). Today what is sought to be taken away is a right of

एक नागरिक समूह अपने विचार को लेकर विरोध का अधिकार व्यक्त करना चाहता है, तो क्या यह सरकार, उसको इस अधिकार से वंचित करेगी?...(व्यवधान)


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